Feng Shui Design Spotlight: Part Two 

The Three Principles of Ch’i

Chinese Lunar New Year, Year of the Snake begins tomorrow! Now is the time to improve your environment by balancing your home’s invisible energy, known as Ch’i in Chinese culture.

Last week’s spotlight explained how balanced Ch’i flowing through your house results in well-being. This week, we’ll look at the three main principles of Ch’i to give you some context:

  1. Ch’i flows in all things meaning all things have the same life energy, both animate and inanimate objects. Feng Shui design teaches us to respect both living and non-living things. 
  2. Ch’i connects everything: people, plants objects, everything, even the contents of drawers and closets. It’s important to also point out Ch’i exists between people, not just their objects. Resolving small, reoccurring arguments or disagreements that generate negative Ch’i will also help balance a space.
  3. Ch’i is always changing. As Ch’i changes, the way objects affect people do as well. Old routines can grow stale as time passes, while items like furniture can wear out, lose their meaning, and become clutter. 

Small changes can also reset a room’s Ch’i. Just want a paint refresh or new furniture help? Lilac Dust is available for color consulting and interior decorating services, together or separately.

What else is new?

  • What have we been up to so far in ‘25? Coming soon in the Gallery: A 1957 ranch house kitchen gets its first update in 30 years! 
  • Lilac Dust Design is excited to offer Feng Shui consulting services, beginning in Fall of this year.  

Need a décor refresh? Ping me @info@lilacdustcolor.com. Have a question or comment? Email me at info@lilacdustcolor.com. Introductions are free! 

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Image courtesy of The Spruce/Christopher Lee Foto